- How goes it?
- Как дела? Как поживаешь? Как поживаете? Как живётся-можется? Что новенького слышно?
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
how goes it? — {v. phr.}, {interrog.} How are you and your affairs in general progressing? * /Jim asked Bill, how goes it with the new wife and the new apartment? / … Dictionary of American idioms
how goes it? — {v. phr.}, {interrog.} How are you and your affairs in general progressing? * /Jim asked Bill, how goes it with the new wife and the new apartment? / … Dictionary of American idioms
how goes it? — used as an informal greeting Hi Paul. How goes it? [=how are you?] • • • Main Entry: ↑go how goes it? see ↑go, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑how … Useful english dictionary
How goes it? — interrog. How are you?; How are things going? □ Nice to see you. How goes it? D How goes it? Everything okay? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
how\ goes\ it? — v. phr. interrog. How are you and your affairs in general progressing? Jim asked Bill, how goes it with the new wife and the new apartment? … Словарь американских идиом
how goes it — is your life good? how are you doing How goes it? said my friend. Not bad, I replied … English idioms
how goes it — are you well. “Hey, Ted, how goes it?” … New idioms dictionary
how goes the enemy? — (informal) What time is it? • • • Main Entry: ↑enemy … Useful english dictionary
how goes the battle — are you winning the battle of life? are you okay? How goes the battle? Jo asked. I win and I lose, Pat replied … English idioms
how goes it? — what s happening? what s new? … English contemporary dictionary
how goes (it)? — Phrs. A greeting … English slang and colloquialisms